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^ Edison therefore formulated grand strategy for his lab, envisaging large industrial undertaking that would manufacture the many new products devised the laboratory: My ambition build great industrial works in the Orange Valley starting small way and gradually working up— The Laboratory supplying the perfected invention models pattern and fitting up necessary special machinery the factory for each invention. knew from experience that there was little money selling patent rights; the profits went the financier and manufacturer. The idea was innovate all stages production until the goal of low cost mass production was reached. Edison wanted to control the manufacturing stage and use the resources his laboratory continually reduce the cost manufacture. It was not enough develop new products. This plan of innovation led Edison into the role entrepreneur and factory . Edison's worldview the inventor was often the victim the innovative process.II- 1 CHAPTER TWO FINANCING GRAND STRATEGY It was not Edison the inventor who built the West Orange laboratory, but Edison the capitalist. claimed that the money made was from manufacturing the invention and not selling the patent. ^ His conception the process innovation, or "pioneering" called it, did not end the laboratory