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Poznámky redaktora
When this was billed the relevant division normally led heated dispute over who should pay. For example, Nelson Durand had long been agitating for new design for a business machine that could compete with the cheap models produced the competition. This was crucial part of quality control for records and only the lab could ensure that the right standard was maintained. Yet the division resisted issuing purchase order and Constable had appeal for a ruling from the central administration. The development new product involved extensive research and development project that Durand was reluctant support, instead argued that this . ^ The divisional policy led the introduction modern management and accounting practices and this forever changed the nature research West Orange. question was the relationship between expenditures R&D work and the benefits that accrued the manufacturing divisions. Another sore point was the purchase equipment used the laboratory for experimental purposes. also provided useful data on the wear diamond points. This new corporate environment made it very difficult finance long term R&D projects. was finally decided that the lab could not order or build specialized equipment without the knowledge and consent of the division affected.XII-26 A case point was the inspection reproducers used in wear tests the disc division. According to division managers, the benefits were frequently out of proportion the costs