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Poznámky redaktora
Its manager hoped take over some the electrical testing work done West Orange. The laboratory Silver Lake had begun with testing raw materials used record and storage battery manufacture.. The customers the laboratory had changed. some ways this was return the "research for hire" strategy the 1880s.The development (product) engineer must placed under jurisdiction and I must govern his research and development activities and control expenditures. 1918 the laboratory was also carrying out analysis for several other division^ research work the primary battery and Amberol records, and electrical testing. Instead broad range high tech industries, the customers were now the division managers large integrated corporation. forced the lab to justify its existence and the money spent research.. . The policy giving financial responsibility the division managers often made them reluctant supporters R&D.XII-24 engineering division.^ John Constable was forced into selling the services the West Orange lab the divisions of TAE Inc. was no longer the sole source engineering and R&D for the Edison complex and had compete with other laboratories for testing and chemical analysis business..." The division managers wanted direct the product engineer's work with financial rather than engineering criteria.it must reorganized. working exclusively articles whose sales I control. The changing structure TAE Inc