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His multinational enterprise was immediately affected the war.XII- 2 Spanish-American war was world power and needed modern navy match. The Navy offered a major customer for Edison storage batteries for their submarine fleet. patriot and scrapper, was not going left out any conflict entered into the U. Edison commented that "I am that (preparedness) with both feet and hands. The factories West Orange were fully involved this 1915. would ready. Although the United States did not immediately enter the war, its economic impact was soon felt American industry took part the policy "preparedness" ensure that war did come, the U. The outbreak war 1914 probably came surprise to Edison, but unlike many other Americans could not afford to ignore it. The West . early 1895 publically announced his intention "to 2 drop everything and serve the country" should there war. Edison had objections becoming part of this process and making money from it.S.S. The continuing conflict Europe greatly influenced life and work West Orange until 1919. (See SIDEBAR 12-1: End Edison's Motion Picture Business) The Allied blockade cut off the supply chemicals from Germany which his phonograph and storage battery businesses depended. They had also employed Edison motion picture equipment to film projectiles flight. After burst profits from the European market eager see patriotic war films, Edison's overseas moving picture business disappeared and with important market