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Poznámky redaktora
this way, parts the Amberola phonograph were 32 successfully used dictating machines.XI-18 engineering work. This was based electromechanical start, repeat, and stop mechanism. Laboratory men such as Constable worked with engineers the Works apply cost reductions developed phonograph manufacture business phonographs. The dictating machine division was the beneficiary of sound experiments made the Columbia St, phonograph recording studio and studies electric circuits made the 33 laboratories the primary battery division. Durand's mission lower the cost the Ediphone was aided by better cooperation between laboratory and Works and more formal engineering practices the Works. Cooperation between engineers the West Orange complex finally led the development successful correction device 1918. The development the dictating machine ranged from minor changes, such improving the headband holding the earpiece the transcribing machine which caught in the typists hair, exploring completely new designs. Improved communication between the various engineering activities the Edison enterprise offered division managers valued economies scope the technical improvement their products. This project was under the general control of Holland, but was dependent considerable feedback from the users and the cooperation Sam Langley, the engineer in 34 charge the motor department the Phonograph Works. This steady increase sales 1918 had not