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Poznámky redaktora
was sleek and streamlined. The development path the dictating machine the 1920s was toward smaller, cheaper, and simpler machine. Over twenty years of experience with spring motor phonographs was obviously a help creating this new product. Its spring-loaded hood automatically closed down over the top works. was concerned with the steady increase production capacity in the industry and predicted that the post-war market would be highly competitive. About twenty years of experience selling dictating machines was behind new design finally introduced the 1930s.XI-19 convinced Durand that this business was secure. meet this threat, envisaged a completely new machine that would designed for the cheapest 35 possible manufacture. Although the format and the controls were the same the Ediphone, they were all enclosed. The Voicewriter reflected new movement design that was gaining momentum American industry. revolution industrial design took place America in the 1930s and this dictating machine excellent example . (See Illus 11-6) This Voicewriter model achieved great success and was the machine that finally brought substance Edison's ambitious claims that there would dictating machine every American office. Only the lever the recorder assembly was changed make easier to reach. portable spring-driven model was added the line of Edison machines anticipation that the busy executive would want dictate home the road