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According to Durand, its basic format was different from the graphophone, the dictating machine that had first been introduced the 1880s. ■ * " (See Illus 11-2, Graphophone ad. His recording experts now knew more about recording the human voice and achieving loud and distinct playback. When Edison re-entered the business machine field in 1905, his laboratory staff had improved the orginal phonograph format considerably. The introduction the minute cylinder was especially suited for the dictation business letters. Finally, the basic phonograph format had evolved into a lighter, more compact machine. .) The Edison business phonograph 1905 was not specifically designed for the business user. The new Edison product was priced $70, significantly less than the $100 $150 price range the nineteenth century but still $10 more than the price the Graphophone. The development the Home model opened the way series designs which the length of the mandrel assembly was shortened.XI- 2 that was essential succeed this business. This was the general arrangement of the Edison business phonograph, which still retained the wooden base the amusement model.) effort was made to make the business phonograph any easier use than the amusement phonograph and there was correction device nor means measuring the length the dictated message. The Standard and Gem models had short mandrels with the drive screw assembly parallel and its rear. (Illus 11-1