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These advances were applied to the dictating machine, but this alone did not ensure sales. had created the large sales organization . The marketing effort also had perfected for this was the key to success. was only after the formation TAE Inc. The dictating machine was highly complex product, probably the most complicated machine the American business office, and it demanded knowledgeable salesforce and support organization. Preceding chapters have discussed the technological development the phonograph, what Edison called the "perfecting" the machine. Edison's first intention for his phonograph was develop for business use, but all his efforts market business machine had met with failure. that adequate resources were given promoting the use the Edison business phonograph and selling them businessmen. Marketing dictating machine required very large investment R&D and sales staff.XI- 1 BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY THE DICTATING MACHINE The product that gained the most from the reorganization of the Edison enterprise was the business phonograph. Edison's goal of putting one his machines every office was not realized until the 1920s, when two criteria were met: the laboratory had produced machine that was easy use, and the divisional policy TAE Inc