. Their work developing
new technology was framed the division manager, and the
resulting designs were defined the needs the market. stark contrast, the engineering criteria for the
disc phonograph were developed Edison the laboratory. This
is evident the development the dictating machine, where
Newman Holland had work the requirements Nelson
Durand. The fact that this building, once main
attraction Edison's laboratory, was now occupied by
bureaucrats evidence the changes West Orange. Newman Holland was moved to
his office the third floor from Building where Mambert's
men were housed.32
The rooms the product engineers the third floor
were probably offices rather than experimental rooms.
Failure the market place can directly attributed to
Edison's technological choices. The business phonograph was
developed totally different manner and reflected the
control exerted division managers over the work the
product engineers. The fact that the dictating machine went on
to become highly successful (and long-lived) product shows
the advantages the new ways the Edison laboratory. Most of
their work was done the manufacturing plant the products
for which they were responsible.
The creation the product engineer formalized the lab's
engineering support for manufacturing