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Poznámky redaktora
. The second floor also housed the Construction Engineering Department which attended all changes and repairs the physical plant West Orange. The emphasis engineering services the lab brought more draftsmen and clerks Building addition the offices the third floor, drafting was also carried out on the second floor, close the office the superintendent of the laboratory's machine shops. The new floor plan shows work space that was once used for experimentation was now devoted mainly to administration. Edison used rooms all three floors the lab, and the elimination his room the third floor did not leave him without place work. Meadowcroft noted that "Edison is enjoying himself hugely some chemical problems" and that the Chemical laboratory Building was his favorite place to work in, the whole West Orange complex. His research perfecting the disc record led him spend more his time the Chemical Building, where labored from 1912 1916 eliminate the surface noise the disc. Building was also taken with Edison's work: half was devoted experimenters under his direction and the other half was the disc record 47 experimental room. The smaller rooms the library end the second floor contained the Jewel Department (for reproducer needles) and the cabinet .X-31 together and next were the offices the two phonograph product engineers. 45 design team