the one chief engineer AT&T put "
the distinction between pure science and industrial research is
(merely) one motive.1-25
the operation electrical equipment rather than basic
research the universities. practice, scientific endeavor in
research laboratories has always been conditioned by, and
normally channelled into, corporate goals. 1888
the electrical section the American Institute met the lab
and 250 people attended lecture given electrical
measurement." Despite
his many pronouncements the contrary, Edison was not opposed
to basic scientific research his laboratories, provided that
it might have broader applications commercial potential in
the future." The means might have changed. pure science was
basic research just discover new knowledge without the
motivation future profit there was never any pure science in
industrial research.. The fact that had his eye commercial
pay-off for research does not detract from the quality R&D
at the Edison laboratory.with a
. J
The stated objective the West Orange facility was to
conduct experiments and "scientific investigations. There were formally trained
electrical engineers. 24
view making inventions useful various arts. The gift Edison electrical equipment
formed the core MIT's newly formed department electrical
engineering. The expertise Edison's laboratory, and its
advanced equipment, made center for the scientific and
academic community and many meetings were held there.