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Previously this had been done haphazard manner, not at all. Dinwiddie was expert wax moulds and record manufacture, but faced difficult technical problems in mass-producing disc records. Mambert also had little success dealing with Hudson, the division /c . The disc reproduction operation was new business that produced 35,000 records day and aimed to much higher, yet the cost make per disc was not known. One the most important functions the division management was estimate the costs producing the product. Stephen Mambert was committed exact records cost. Mambert tried install his men and his methods the disc reproduction division, yet all his attempts were successfully resisted Dinwiddie, who obviously did not share 31 Mambert's enthusiasm for better financial practices. Mambert set about changing this situation financial and organizational reforms, insisting that Dinwiddie spend his time finding out the costs of producing the records. 30 The cost disc records was roughly estimated but when a fraction cent per disc record could alter the balance between profit and loss, only exact estimate could indicate whether profit was being made.X-18 few years operation production methods had still not been perfected and the wartime disruption raw materials made costs unstable. One the first divisional policies, which was delivered down by Edison himself, was make intensive studies costs of operations each division