was then directed
to work the problems duplicating discs and finally put in
charge the division that was this. The division did not make profit the first
The Disc Reproduction Division became his target for
financial reform.X-17
acted office managers, some operated the new mechanical
accounting machines installed all the divisions, and others
simply carried out Mambert's dictum "Better Financial
Practices" which was based copious business records and
frequent audits., with the lowest profits and the sloppiest
29 . Yet the flexible
arrangement engineering West Orange was soon moved and
given the task making educational films, and this
position gained management experience. One
of the main projects undertaken Dinwiddie was the
reproduction cylinder records. This was the case the
Primary Battery Division (managed Hudson) and the Disc
Reproduction Division, which was headed W.
Not all the divisions were the hands professional
managers; some were run engineers. Walter Dinwiddie
was, heart, experimenter and infuriated Mambert that
he ran his division democratic and (to Mambert)
unbusinesslike manner. Dinwiddie. Efficiency Engineer, was also an
important member the laboratory staff and "Financial
Executive" was second only Charles Edison the
hierarchy below Thomas Edison.W. Mambert thought this the weakest
division TAE Inc