market for the phonograph promised continued growth the
The years leading the First World War were marked
by great activity the laboratory the Edison enterprise
struggled introduce several innovations.
An Engineering Department committee meeting held in
November 1914 discussed work the disc phonograph, the super
kinetoscope, the dictating machine, and the Amberola. The development work on
a new dictating machine had also reached fruition 1914. The
introduction the Blue Amberol cylinder had given new life to
Edison's cylinder trade (see Table 10-1) and several new models
were under construction the laboratory the Amberola
mushroomed into line phonographs. The profusion new models was complicated the
many small additions needed make them into commercial
products. motion picture projectors, for example, the new
designs were accompanied several accessories, such as
rheostats, which had produced the Engineering
Department. The laboratory's
staff produced models new kinetoscopes, disc phonographs,
and dictating machines. The Engineering Department grappled
with the work turning these models into drawings and lists
of parts