. These have been
the foundation for this section.IX-41
47) Hutchison Diary, April 1913,
48) Art Shirfrin has written two excellent accounts the
kinetophone: "70th Anniversary the Theatrical Release of
Kinetophone," SMPTB Journal <92, July 1983, 739-751; and "Time
Code and Edison," <16, Dec 1982), 30-37."
51) TAE Hutch, Jan 1914, Kph.
49) Hutchison TAE, Jan 1914, Kph.
52) Newspaper clippings, May 1910, MP; Hutchison TAE, 19
Jan 1914, Kph.
50) Shiffrin, "The Trouble with the Kinetophone.
53) Kennedy Hutchison, May 1914, MP