They found that
increased volume could obtained putting more pressure
(tracking force) the needle made its way through the
grooves, but this increased wear the cylinder surface which
eradicated the highs and obscured fidelity. The problems increasing the volume the
phonograph playback had been utmost concern the
experimenters Edison's laboratory since popular music the
twentieth century was meant play loud.IX-32
of the actors clear without crowding the horn their faces. Daniel Higham Brookline, Mass, had
patented machine that produced very loud volume means a
friction valve device built into large reproducer.
The final problem the commercial kinetophone was to
increase the volume the machine's playback; had play
the sound track clearly and audibly every corner large
movie theatre. His
services were acquired and came West Orange 1908 to
play leading role the development the kinetophone. Several inventors had achieved higher
volume mechanically amplifiying the sound the reproducer
and horn assembly.
The requirements good drama and good technical reproduction
rarely coincided. Patent
considerations prevented the use the harder, celluloid
cylinders that could bear this abuse and therefore another
solution had found. When sound recording films was later tried
with electrical equipment generation actors had be
trained the technique making sound movies which was much
different from making silent pictures