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The Armour meat packing plant, Ford Motor Company's factories, and the Edison Phonograph Works were all filmed. This type of movie was comparatively inexpensive make and market was guaranteed.^ The output the Kinetograph department was not restricted dramatic and comedy subjects; the Edison Manufacturing Company took early interest what termed "Educational films" producing wide range subjects covering geographical, agricultural, industrial, historical, scientific and military topics. 1909, for example, Frank Dyer pressed the Edison studios make films about working class themes— "with young mechanics and their sweethearts"— which would appeal the blue collar audiences the Nickelodeon. The Bronx film studio was the center film production TAE Inc. Several industrial films came from contracts with companies make films manufacturing processes, little known but important market for film makers. The directors the Edison company soon appreciated the advantages making films for specific audiences. 40 The evolution film production from independent cameraman to the director working the studio gave the Kinetograph department more control over film subjects., and by 1909 the department had nine directors making Edison movies there and location.IX-28 performers appear Edison films. There were many profit opportunities educational . This operation was under the control of George Plimpton who attended both content movies and the production negatives