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When the film exhibition business began the late 1890s, Edison was primarily concerned with reducing the price of the standard film strips made for exhibitors— the artistic 39 content the film was not considered important. The Nickelodeons certainly started as places low repute, but were soon frequented the middle classes. The films of the MPPC were not mundane subjects without regard to content. The MPPC did its part improve the quality movies because respectability also meant the increased income the middle class audience. the business grew from a novelty industry international scope, the managers of the Kinetograph department, led John White, took more attention the quality the film product. the wild competitive days before the Trust, poorly made foreign films were imported into the American market.IX-27 but also raising the quality the film subjects. Films were treated commodity West Orange, another product be economically manufactured and sold. Like the disc machine, Edison's motion picture business was increasingly aimed the more respectable, and affluent, middle classes. These films accelerated the opposition the moral depravity the movies. the turn of the century, they were busy buying the rights literature, including the work Mark Twain, and signing well-known stage . the leading member the Trust (with Biograph), the Edison company did its part developing longer, higher quality film subjects and signing the stars the Broadway OO stage