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Edison enjoyed his job . The experience with motion pictures had made Edison and his managers wary dealing with first-class talent— who invariably cost more money and were difficult handle— and the strategy for musical talent was keep them anonymous, and low paid, possible, even the point leaving the singer's name off the recording! Edison's influence was decisive putting the technology before the artist. His strategy was the opposite Victor's: propose to depend the quality the records and not the reputation 27 of the singers. Edison evaluated thousands of cylinder recordings before choosing the selections for the new disc.IX-20 Victor records. acknowledged that the existing stock of recordings was poor and set out improve both the technique of recording and the selections available Edison records." Edison believed that music lovers would prefer better recording rather than rotten scratchy record by great singer," and maintained that many the famous singers recorded his competitors were better acting than singing. It was ironic that the musical offerings leading phonograph company were filtered through the prejudices and damaged hearing sixty-year-old man. The choice selections and talent was crucial not only the struggle against Victor, but also for the survival the cylinder format; the increasing popularity the recorded music discs would ultimately lead the demise the cylinder and the trade built it