stratum middle managers had been formed,
and senior managers had been admitted the decision making
process which business strategy was devised. But formation
of TAE Inc. the years immediately after the creation of
TAE Inc.IX-18
Many the changes the structure Edison's business
organization had been made the assumption that the "old man"
was not going around forever. the executive committees played role that was mainly
advisory— Edison still made the major decisions and decided on
both technological and business policy. The strength the
Victor company was their impressive catalogue recordings. was more foundation for future change than an
organizational revolution.
Several executive committees had been instituted, such the
manufacturing committee, which had broad powers operating
the organization. The first steps had been
taken establish permanent bureaucracy run the business. Edison was still more important than
the organization; his "retirement" was short-lived, and he
returned the laboratory take very active part the
disc project.
They had set course signing the leading performers, such
One the most important business decisions made
about the new disc machine was its level compatibility with
the Victor discs already the market