second floor machine shop was called the "precision room," for
the men who worked here were highly skilled mechanics and
watchmakers who built experimental models. These loads
The work equipping the machine shops provided some
diversion for Edison and Batchelor who scoured the
manufacturer's catalogues and purchased wide selection of
machine tools: lathes, drills, grinders, and presses. The heavy machine shop, under the
supervision Batchelor, was intended produce large
equipment like dynamos for central stations. October and November loads "experimental
stuff" were shipped horse cart from Harrison.
At the end September 1887 Batchelor began moving
experimental equipment and supplies from the laboratory the
Lamp Works, where Edison and skeleton crew around 10
experimenters had maintained the effort number of
experimental projects electricity, ore milling and the
some the experimental rooms were fitted with outlets of
different voltages, yet the days electrically driven machine
tools were still well the future. The great
number machine tools ordered were too many for one shop,
consequently Batchelor divided them between two floors the
main laboratory building: heavy lathes, drill presses, and
milling machines the first floor; smaller lathes, grinders,
and polishers the second. came equipped
with travelling crane move about the heavy dynamos the
electrical industry and massive ore milling machines