, 1903 TAE handwriting; TAE Herter, 19
July 1901; TAE notes, n.” annotation letter from Armat, May 1922, biog
44) Claims were made that Dickson took his notes with him when he
left during Edison American Mutascope trial, complainants
record legal box 173.d.
40) Dyer Martin, Edison, p554. 1907 Storage battery experimental. again
exploited the international information network analyzing the
progress the Swede, Waldemar Jungner, who was developing a
nickel-cadmium battery.
43) Kennedy Hutchison, Mar 1914, Motion Picture.
41) Richard Schallenberg, Bottled Energy: Electrical
Engineering and the Evolution Chemical Energy Storage
(Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1982), 357-358,
362. Edison said that Dickson was guilty of
double crossing and selling out Latham for his own
42) TAE Dick, n.1-37
39) Edison wanted avoid the lead-iron combination because the
patents were held the Electric Storage Battery Company.d