26) This machine can seen short movie, Walter Cronkite in
The Twentieth Century series: "The Movies Learn Speak.R. MPC.
30) Ramsaye, Million and One Mights, chap 16.413.
24) TAE United Phono Co, April 1897, 931031, 406., 33-34.
33) Brochure for Edison projecting kinetoscope primary
36) Randolph Haines, Dec 1897, 931031, 626. Evidence American Graphophone Edison
Phonograph Works, April 1895, 1895, Phono Wks.
37) TAE Walter Cutting, Oct 1897, 931031, 567; TAE to
H. Dick, Jan 1899, 980131, 319
38) Agreement with Pilling Crane) 1899, 980131,p.
35) TAE Miller, Dec 1897, 931031, 612.19.20> Frow Self!, Cylinder Phonographe, p.
32) Musser, "American Vitagraph," Fell, Film Before
Griffith, pp. 39.
25) German United Phono July 1896, Phono Forg
Germany; Minutes MPC meeting July 1896.
31) Annotation Armât TAE, May 1922, biog file.
21) TAE Block, 1894 phono, Russia.
34) Ramseye, 328. 1895
he claimed have spent all the money received from the
phonograph companies experiments and threw $45,000 his own
money into the pot.
29) F.
22) Edison claimed have tens thousands invested in
phonograph R&D the 1890s which were called excessive the
various court cases fought over his phonograph business.
23) Read Welch, Tinfoil stereo, 63.”
27) Louis Republican July 1899, Chrisman interview, 1899
Phono: "My kinetophone will provide "honest workmen with grand
opera price can afford pay.”
28) Ramseye, Million and One Mights, chap 26. Fulton, "The Machine," Balio, American Film Industry,