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Vydal: Neurčeno

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VII-28 achieved what Edison had only dreamed about— the radical reduction the cost producing basic industrial good. His laboratory had developed skills several commercial technologies which Edison hoped to exploit. But just like Ogden, the giant undertaking Dunderland ended failure. even found a use for the compressed air technology developed run his giant rollers. assigned his patents a European ore milling syndicate which hoped make them a success Norwegian mines. His efforts make the most the failure ore milling illustrates the broad scope his commercial outlook and the laboratory's strong engineering skills. Undaunted this colossal failure, Edison still continued promote his system and finance companies to magnetically separate ore. The lab carried out experiments reheating compressed air and using power source. His "rags riches" story would have reached a new plateau from the immense profits providing cheap raw . worked the design commercial crushing and screening machines, and planned sell them coal mines, cement manufacturers, and metal works. Had the mill Ogden been success, Edison's reputation as inventor would have been superceded his fame an industrialist. After leaving Ogden for good, Edison went back the laboratory and looked for ways recouping his loses. Edison soon went into the cement business for himself, using equipment designed in his laboratory and experience gained materials handling at Ogden