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But the cold winter 1898/99 forced him stop work and returned to West Orange, admitting defeat private while maintaining a brave front his business associates. spent most of that year Ogden, while William Gilmore ran the operation 36 at West Orange. Carnegie had . Andrew Carnegie once said that "pioneering don't pay" and the ore separation venture proved him right, least the iron ore business. Edison was convinced that had "almost turned the corner" the ore milling venture 1898 and told his business associates that the work was finished. Edison's technical approach failed because was unreliable and too costly. This was Edison's greatest failure both financially and technologically; had been unable produce cheap ore his magnetic separation process and had lost fortune ore milling.VII-27 FORCES CHANGE THE WEST ORANGE LABORATORY The great adventure the nineteenth century ended with one last effort turn the Ogden mine into paying proposition. the other hand, Carnegie followed the old fashioned wisdom finding the cheapest source raw materials and locating the plant next it. slight rise the price midwestern ore encouraged Edison return the mine 1897