Small businessmen could offer complete show the
theatre manager: film, projection, and accompanying patter. The flood cheap
. 1898
Model Edison Projecting Kinetoscope came complete for $100. Terrye Ramsey remembered that anyone who
could turn meat grinder could operate the machine. The ready availability and cheapness the
Edison projector stimulated the motion picture industry a
small investment was all that was needed become exhibitor
of films.
Edison's laboratory had improved the basic projecting machine,
made easier operate, and now was the market a
competitive price.
The new projector was the key the transformation a
novelty important industry. 1897 introduced his own projector— the Edison
projecting kinetoscope which was improved vitascope.VII-24
meet this demand. Work developing improved projector was
carried out the lab under veil great secrecy.
Two new industries were being created with the output of
the Edison Phonograph Works, providing many small businessmen
with the chance make money with Edison products, and Edison
with the profits from sales equipment.^ The
exhibitor could also purchase "Genuine Edison Films" which were
sold the foot. This machine signalled
Edison's deepest involvement the motion picture industry to
date. It
could used project slides keep the attention of
audiences while the films were changed, and its advertising
maintained that the vibration problem, which "has been the
principal defect projecting machines," had been solved