Independent cameramen like William Paley, recent
immigrant from England with his own camera, took their
cumbersome machines the road and made the short-lived,
flickering films which were the raw material the new
. Their
camera was light, compact, and could easily moved, setting
up many new possibilités for film subjects. The
availability film cameras unleashed wave of
cameramen/producers, some with imported cameras, some with
copies Edison cameras, and some with machines their own
invention. The
Selig Polyscope company was soon making films location in
the back streets Chicago and showing them Vaudeville
houses. travelling showman called
William Selig saw the kinetoscope and was inspired build his
own camera his small workshop Chicago. Many the new entrants were men mechanical bent
hoping break into growing business working their own
cameras makeshift laboratories.VI1-20
camera-projector was underway West Orange, but the Lumiere
brothers beat the Edison's laboratory the marketplace. They came
from all walks life and had the same idea making some
money from the motion picture. The arrival of
Lumiere machines Chicago provided more ideas for Selig, and
he went produce camera and projecting machine. Edison had been born
twenty years later would have been one them.
The introduction the Lumiere camera North America
gave entrepreneurs the technology enter into film production
and ruined Edison's hope for monopoly films