most revolutionary innovation came from the Lumiere brothers in
Lyons, France; their Cinematographe was portable and could
be used camera and projector.
Edison has been criticised for neglecting the development
of film projection. His goals were much
more ambitious than the comparatively easy technical task of
projecting images, and his laboratory continued chase the
elusive goal joining sight with sound. The kinetoscope had
stimulated interest motion pictures and Edison's failure to
obtain foreign patents for his motion picture inventions gave
European inventors clear field advance the technology. This was much harder technological problem
than projection, and one which was committed from the
first days research the kinetoscope. was soon eclipsed new technology the
motion picture business. Many writers the history motion
pictures portray him uninterested this technology and
slow develop projector that really didn't think had a
commercial future.
Meanwhile, several other inventors, many whom were in
Europe, were concentrating another aspect motion picture
technology— the projection images. Work combined
The kinetophone had only limited commercial success and few
were made. Edison did, fact, successfully develop a
projector, but his top priority was the synchronization of
sound and image. The transatlantic
information network that Edison had successfully exploited
in the past now got the better him