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His laboratory had worked every aspect the system but slowly Edison chose to concentrate some areas the expense others.VII- 4 narrow; looked into metallic filaments, mercury vapor lamps, and the Nernst lamp. Edison had some important electrical interests his own outside the contractual work for GE. In contrast, the Edison laboratory pursued much wider range of electrical experiments, spanning electric light, power, storage batteries, and measuring instruments. The development work electric motors, for example, had paid ." These discoveries were closely connected with his earlier experiments the phenomenon of induction. Steinmetz's original idea was to concentrate these critical areas and then carry out general chemical research any "spare time" that remained. Edison also maintained an interest more exotic technologies, such "etheric force" and the "Edison effect. The development of wireless fell the wayside other projects— ore milling, phonographs and motion pictures— dominated the laboratory's time the 1890s. The answer this problem, (and several others, including the amplification sound), was found the "Edison Effect" which had been discarded previously. did come close to developing workable system, but commercial product eluded him. the 1890s carried out more experiments on induction and "etheric force," which had discovered in the 1870s. Edison hoped that these phenomena might useful O in system wireless telegraphy