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Invention the Kinetograph" W. 40) Brief Epitany (Sic— this could "Epitamy") all Facts relating . L. The amount work done the lab declined significantly during the 1893/1894 depression.668; and Open Door; TAE Elliot, March 1894, 931030, 109; TAE to E.H. 38) Electrical World. 37) Edison Caveats motion pictures are the appendix of Hendricks, Motion Picture Myth; Dickson’s article Century Magazine, 48, June 1894. range the beginning the decade. 43) This recollection from Albert Smith, Reels and Crank (New York: Doubleday, 1952), cited Hendrick’s Motion Picture Myth, 171. Dickson, April 1928, Motion picture; Edison caveat.a. 41) Brown’s testimony Edison American Mutascope Co, Complainants record, 143, 173. . Total cost the months work was $2883, which GE paid $911.377.K. L. 42) The history the celluloid film strip told Reese V Jenkins, Images and Enterprise (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1975), chap Eastman set laboratory 1890, its purpose was testing, (p. VII Jan 1886, 26; experiments are in Notebook 871210. Lewie, March 1894, 931030, 98. 44) Dickson’s version his Century magazine article.K.. 45) Terry Ramseye, Million and One Nights (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1926), 68. 147). During one month 1894 (May), the labor cost for work done the phonograph was less than $100, Edison’s personal experiments cost $460 and ore milling labor cost was over $1000. 48) Electrical Engineer, 18, nov 1894, p. 47) Description kinetograph Dickson Century Magazine, and Dickson Meadowcroft, May 1921, Biog files. Research expenditure for 1893 probably did not excede $25,000— much less than the $75,000-$80,000 p. Dickson, Box D. 39) ’ ’ Some Facts relating Moving Photography" W.-46 36) Tate Van Dyck, Feb 1894, 930808, p. 46) Patent 589,168, filed Aug 1891.2. Billbook #12, 469. Edison cleaned up his affairs 1894, withdrawing from many honorary posts and cutting back his personal expenditures.