: Westview,
1983), 36."
33) Tate Jehl, Sept 1893, saying industry "perfectly
dead,” 930805, 91; Scientific American 66:216, April
29) Batchelor diaries, 1337 Jan 1891, 154. 1891; description ore
milling equipment Iron Age.
32) interview published the Albany Herald.
30) Electrical World.
23) Charles Stansfield, Hew Jersey (Boulder Co.
19) The Hew York Herald reported that Edison was frozen out of
the electrical trust, the Hew York Morning Post described the
inventor "worn out, shoulders drooped, hair grey” and
spending more time home! See 1892 Electric Light folders.
.174; Tate, Open Door. 59:1, Oct 1897; see also B.154. 260-285; Batchelor journal 1337, p.
24) Maguire Tate, July 1889, Lab Work progress.
20) Accounts records Billbook #13.18) Tate, Open door, pp. Hov 1895
described the electrical industry "commissary wolves”
and justified his departure from because "there are too many
in it, offers inducements.
27) Telephone, shop order 540.: Greenwood, 1970), 133.
25) This was Passer’s conclusion the Battle the Systems”
in The Electrical Manufacturers, p.
31) Tae Coffin, May 1892, 920309, 440.
22) Scientific American.8
(1983), 37-59. XLV, Jan 1892. 66:216, April 1892.
35) Charles Hoffman, The Depression the nineties: An
Economic History (Westport, Conn.
34) Scientific American 69:25, July 1893.
21) TAE Brady, Dec 1898, 980131, 305.
Carlson, ’
Edison the Mountains,” History Technology V.
28) Annotation Birkenbine TAE, July 1889, Ore
26) Cited Vanderbilt, Edison the Chemist, p