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After dinner the mine, Edison would lead a discussion the experimental and engineering work hand." Edison had now given making the ore milling project joint venture with investors mill owners, intending run the operation with his own funds. wrote Kruesi: "come with Batch and into the mining business where you may dirty but very 9 happy. Working with Edison, built rubber conveyor belts move the ore through the processing . The "old man": loved nag his men, haze them with questions, just to see they knew what they were doing. This was called "going school," and every man was expected to talk about the areas was involved in. One them was Thomas Robbins, rubber-goods salesman. Talking with the men all night, sleeping floors, clambering and out of the giant machinery, and surrounded dirt and equipment, Edison was his element.^ For Edison, this was the life! The great works Ogden attracted many men looking for work and chance make money. When they were not hard work, Edison and the "boys" occupied themselves with practical jokes, cockfights, rattlesnake fights and boxing matches." At Ogden Edison was able recreate the close-knit comradeship Menlo Park, where and the "boys" had eaten, slept, and worked together. brought several "muckers" with him from West Orange and worked closely with assistant, Walter Mallory. told the Press that the profits were not going shared with outside o parties, "except the boys here who own the thing with me.2 Charles Batchelor who joined Edison the mine