." revelled the primitive life the mine and the
masculine world the miners and mountainmen the remote
Jersey highlands. had
often used prospecting trips vacation from the pressures
of the laboratory, and the remote mountains New Jersey
provided the opportunity mix business and pleasure. post office
was built and the name the community was changed to
wheels revolve the engine house.1
Although his public image colors Edison recluse, a
"wizard" alone laboratory, enjoyed the outdoor life. The spartan existence also invigorated
..little narrow
gauge locomotives puff their way and out between
the buildings..
Edison loved watch the great shovels and cranes work and
felt home the uproar the mine:
On all sides the roar and whistle machinery, the
whir conveyors and the choking white dust. man
fascinated with machines, the plant Ogden was paradise.
The scale the operation also had great appeal: Edison
erected scores buildings Ogden and soon created an
industrial complex where hundreds men worked.
Edison continued the ore milling project well after was
practical because the work gave him much pleasure...with shrieking and whistling wheel
and brakes