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While the daily work the laboratory was dominated by electricity, Edison's personal attention was directed the ore milling project which his own personal fortune rode; he claimed have put every cent had it. The fan motor was the first long line of motorized products manufactured the West Orange complex.but back in the lab making it" was the policy diversification work . . When shortages of money brought work the mines halt, Edison returned to the laboratory generate more funds the electrical, phonograph kinetoscope work: have money. Edison set the Edison Manufacturing Company to manufacture his electric fan kit and later added line of electromedical equipment. 21 m the 1890s. The Phonograph Works gave him independence from venture capitalists and provided the means generate income from manufacturing. Edison was confident that could quickly turn experiments the laboratory into ready cash, picking the most promising, perfecting it, and then selling quickly..VI-18 of uses: this was the kind electrical technology that Edison wanted develop. These two products were the result of the West Orange laboratory's work electricity, offering a vivid contrast the products that were developed Menlo Park. In this way could support the costs long-term experimental projects that offered profits the future, in addition covering the ruinous expenses "pioneering" a major project like ore milling.