43) Eaton TAE, Oct 1889, 1889 Electric Light. Advertising
materials, 1888 Electric Light.H. Brown, 1888 Electricity. Johnson.
54) Johnson TAE, August 1888, 1888 E.
50) See Kennelly Reports for 1888.
56) ’
Explanation Experiments,” 1890 Laboratory.
58) Harold Passer, The Electrical Manufacturers (Cambridge:
Harvard Univeristy Press, 1953), 174. Edison’s reply Thomson-Houston Memo,” April 1889,
ViHard Papers, 78, box 63, 472.
45) Kennelly’s record the battle are found series
of note and letter books called the Kennelly Reports, in
letterbook 870929, and his evidence the hearing the
electrocution William Kemmler, Mew York State Court of
Appeals, 1847-1911, DCCCXCIII (Buffalo, Mew York, 1890), Voi.
59) "Mr. Hastings, Feb 1889, Kennelly Reports,
06/07/88, 350.
51) Hastings Kennelly, Mov 1888, 1888 Electricity. (February, 1888), XVII.
42) ’
Confidential Sheet for Agents,” 1888 Electric Light;
Electrical Vorld.
46) Circular letter H.
52) Letter April 1889, 1889 Electricity.
48) Ibid.
47) Kennelly F.S.
41) Letter from Mew Orleans Edison Company, May 1887, 1887
Electric Light.
53) Insull Tate, June 1889, 1889 Electricity.
2 .P.
40) Advertising material 1888 Electricity folders.
44) TAE Bergh, July 1888, 870929, 273.
57) Report Annual Meeting Edison Illuminating Companies
in Electrical World, XIV (Aug, 1889), 136.
49) 900412, 190