39) Cited Josephson, 346.
28) Tate, Open Door, 128. In
comparison with the great increase electricity supply the
United States, England was lagging behind. See A.H.
37) TAE Insull, May 1888, 970929, 254. Johnson TAE, June 1889, Electricity.
32) TAE Villard, Feb 1890, Villard Papers, HBS, fol 473.
27) Insull TAE, April 1888, 1888, Laboratory Bills.
26) Chandler, The Visible Hand (Cambridge: Harvard Univ
Press, 1978), 194.
36) The Electric Lighting Act had placed all public supply in
England under the Board Trade.
24) E.
. Johnson Letter, undated 1888 Phono general.
25) TAE ViHard, Feb 1891, ViHard papers, HBS, fol 475,
29) Upton TAE, Aug 1889, Elec Light, filament.
38) "Plans the Vizard," newsclipping, 1891 Electric
Railroad folder.
23) Siemens Halske Report November 1886, Elec light. Many blamed this lag
on regulation.H.
31) TAE Villard, March 1889, Villard collection HBS MS
78, box 63. Vail to
TAE, May 1886, Elec Light.J.
22) Patent 369,439 patented Sept 1887.
35) Thomas Edison, ’
The Dangers Electric Lighting," North
American Review. LXLIX (Nov, 1889), 625-634.H.
34) E.
30) Fessenden, ’
The Inventions Fessenden’
’ Radio
News, 1925, Part VIII. Millard, Technological Lag (New York:
Garland, 1987).V
21) The work the municipal lamp had begun 1888, when
Edison had his laboratory the Lamp factory, J. Each local authority had veto
power over lighting projects and the companies were subjected
to vigorous regulation every aspect their operations