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The Edison companies were little wary the great independent laboratory their midst. thrived competition and probably would have given his all the fight against Westinghouse had the full resources EGE behind him. The formation Edison General Electric was the first step gradual consolidation of the electrical industry that reflected general trend in American business. Edison had enormous prestige the organization, but his goals— especially his technological preferences— were not necessarily those the organization.V-34 did not like, such the ZBD a/c system. This was the era "big business" and the "trust. The "leadened collar" EGE prevented Edison from fully committing his laboratory the "battle of the systems. Two years later the laboratory was just one part large organization and much of its electrical work was done commissioned experiments: Edison longer had the power set the direction R&D for the companies that bore his name. They did not want bear the costs major assault the long distance transmission problem and Edison knew this." The intense competition the electrical industry was not good for profits." The new business organizations the electrical industry wanted control the pace and direction R&D. But this did not have. The engineers and scientists they hired were tools corporate policy who 59 had follow orders. The policies managers and financiers in the industry were aimed replacing competition with