" Edison's emphasis
on practicality and profit obviously swayed him towards the
high voltage direct current solution, but this did not stop him
from exploring all avenues long distance distribution." The management EGE shared some of
Edison's fears about the dangers high voltage technology,
but businessmen they had have available their
customers wanted it. The manufacture,
installation, and maintenance the system was other hands:
Edison and his laboratory now carried out research
commissioned, and controlled, the managers the Edison
procurable demand. had the power decide
on experimental projects and suppress technologies that he
In 1887 the West Orange laboratory had been the focal
point Edison's electrical empire. Harold Passer, the great historian the
electrical industry, concluded: "In 1879, Edison was brave
and courageous inventor, 1889 was cautious and
conservative defender the status quo.
The delays the production this equipment have
reinforced the view that Edison and his laboratory did not have
the inclination ability work with high voltage
technology. The
goal the West Orange laboratory's work electricity was to
perfect and cheapen the system, and this involved solving the
long distance transmission problem, but 1889 Edison no
longer had the freedom action the courageous and
pioneering inventor had been 1879