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(Illus 5-2, Galvanometer Room Dickson. The staff the galvanometer room (Building 1) continually monitored the performance measuring equipment used Edison central stations and led the way in technological development electricity measurement.8 expensive research project had produced vital part the larger supply systems the 1890s. 16 The electric lighting industry urgently required better measuring instruments monitor output and Edison's laboratory quickly produced improved pressure meter for central station use. When committee met discuss some general engineering problems confronting the Edison companies 1888, the first three items the agenda were pressure meters, feeded equalizers (in distribution systems), and ampere meters. Edison had first designed an electrochemical meter used his electric lighting system. Precise electrical measurement was the starting point the new art creating a profitable load and controlling costs generating electricity.) At the user's end the system, the electric meter was subject numerous complaints about its poor accuracy and frequent breakdowns. This probably worked well enough the laboratory, but proved ineffectual under normal operating conditions— it . Most attention was the production electricity and it was not until the end the 1880s that the importance of electrical measurement was appreciated. This was the priority Edison central stations in the 1880s