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The new phonograph unveiled the laboratory in . This was consistent with his strategy controlling both the invention and manufacture of new products West Orange." The phonograph was be the first high-tech product manufactured Edison his West Orange facility, and was confident that the large new laboratory could solve all the problems encountered bringing the improved phonograph market."8 Edison applied for patent his improved phonograph shortly before made the move his new laboratory, and the phonograph work was quickly transferred from Harrison West Orange.IV- 5 Edison set out not only perfect the phonograph, but also design for mass production. explained Henry Villard that they should have had the phonograph the market before the end the year, "but saw many things that could changed make it more convenient the customer" that its introduction was delayed. telegrammed his English representative, Colonel George Gouraud, "Tainter not practical g man; don't know how make cheap." Assisted Ezra Gilliland, who had left his job Bell Telephone's Mechanical Department, Edison energetically experimented the phonograph the fall of 1887. was the production engineering the new machine that Edison felt had the advantage over his rivals. In the summer 1887 promised substantial improvements the original design and expected put on 7 the market "in few months