IV- 4
phonograph: could used schools, courtrooms, and
business offices record and reproduce the human voice. had considerable experience designing
business machines: the telephone, typewriter, stock ticker, and
electric pen (mimeograph) had all been put good use in
American offices, and expected that the phonograph would
replace the stenographer and make the businessman more
Edison expected that the improved phonograph would as
easy use the telephone and typewriter. His strategy was introduce the
improved phonograph business machine used for
correspondence. The
latter had loud and distinct the phonograph was to
have commercial market. Edison was
confident that would become commonplace the office. The wax the cylinder had hard enough to
bear the groove yet soft enough take the cut. His business connections, including A. Leaving aside the
problems manufacture and marketing, the conversion from toy
to commercial machine involved fundamental changes the means
of power, material cylinder, and method reproduction. These were the
problems that faced Edison and his staff 1887. The
Graphophone Company directed their machine the business user
and Edison followed suit. The tinfoil itself was not a
practical material for office machine, being fragile and
difficult handle, and Edison eventually replaced with a
wax cylinder.
. Dick, had
shown interest the phonograph 1887 and were eager see
the new machine soon was completed.B