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Ill- 21 ENDNOTES FOR CHAPTER THREE. 3) David Trumbull Marshall, Recollections Edison (Boston: Christopher, ),p. 7) The Electrician. . 16) Marshall 89. 8) TAE Bergmann, Dec 1910, 101208. 94. 14) 1889 ¥. 19) Marshall, 57.0. 4) Bergmann TAE, April 1888, 1888 Phono Gen J-A; Kruesi to Batchelor, Oct 1890, 1889 Electric Light (El It), Machine Wks. XXI, July 1888, 330. 10) Phonogram, Vol III #2, June 1893 11) Marshall, 61 12) Ibid. 1) TAE annotation letter from Illinois, Feb 1920, D box 2) Withington, Interview with Kennelly, May 19??— Edison Pioneers, Kennelly folder.0.R. Jan 15 1932 75, 61. Welles Jewett, Feb 1932, D10 Telephone. Applegate, Dec 1916, 160913, 606., 59. Lab; Tate memo July 1 1889, 1889 Lab general. 13) Charles Edgar, "An Appreciation Edison, Science. 17) "Edison-Organizer Genius” Maurice Holland, National Research Council. Lab, employees, machine shop. 6) TAE Hood Wright, Nov 1887, N871115; Edison’s comment (about A. 15) TAE Bergmann, Nov 1904, 040727, 169.0. Tate) TAE Batchelor, April 1887, Lab. 5) Macguire Tate, Nov 1888, 1888 V. 9) F. 18) TAE Tate, 1888, Electricity, Gen 281101; TAE to F