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Ill- 20 manufacturing marketing enterprises."29 . Samuel Insull used his connection with Edison rise power and wealth the electrical utility industry. Some of Edison's workers went become industrialists and inventors in their own right. Many remembered their life and work the West Orange laboratory fondly, claiming that Edison taught them how experiment and innovate. Working the West Orange lab was the basic training that many captains industry, engineers, and academics enjoyed the formative days their careers. Men like Batchelor were amply rewarded with stock, royalties, and share the profits from manufacturing. Some the "boys" were appointed the boards Edison companies and enjoyed several salaries, others were given lucrative concessions market new inventions. Sigmund Bergmann, for example, used the fortune amassed manufacturing Edison equipment create an industrial empire Germany. Kennelly noted years after leaving the lab "The privilege which had being with this great man for six years was the greatest inspiration of life