High voltage cable accessories 72 kV up to 245 kV

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Silicone rubber is a preferred material for cable accessoriesdue to its excellent mechanical and electrical properties.For more than 40 years silicone has been used successfullyas high-quality electrical insulation for voltages upto 400 kV. Silicone rubber features high quality electricalinsulation, superior corona and tracking resistance,combined with high elasticity. It facilitates multi rangeapplication, where one silicone rubber body can beused for various conductor cross sections. Optimalflexibility ensures easy assembly of the accessories.

Vydal: nkt cables s.r.o. Autor: nkt cables

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Poznámky redaktora
54,0 51,5..1000 .2500*1 Diameter approx.. mm 40,0..630 .54,0 51,5..120,0 56,0.84,0 72,0.84,0 81,5.....120,0 56,0....2500*1 ....2500*1 Diameter over prepared cable core min.. mm2 ...108,0 81,5.. mm2 .2500*1 ...2500*1 ...108,0 50,0.65,0 41,6.2500*1 ...78,0 34,5..1200*1 ..630 .. Main components the standard straight joint are conductor connection sleeve, cable adapters, main joint sleeve and outer protective covering.2500*1 Diameter approx.1200*1 ....1000 .1200*1 ...15 Page 1 Straight three piece joint SM 72-245 This premoulded straight joint three piece design with compact dimensions made silicone rubber...630 ..2500*1 .108,0 81,5. mm 40,0.... Main components the standard straight joint are conductor connection sleeve, main joint sleeve and outer protective covering..-max..2500*1 ...84,0 56,0. mm 150 150 170 170 240 240 240 240 Connection type Screw/Press S S S P S P S P *1 >1200 2500 mm2 special crimping tool required g NEW .....2500*1 ...1000 ..630 ....2500*1 ... mm2 .....2500*1 ....1600*1 ..84,0 50,0. • Integrated premoulded stress control system with silicone rubber • Three piece design with compact dimensions • Screw type conductor connector • Minimum tool requirement • Version with screen separation available • Type test certificate in accordance with IEC 60840/62067 available • Various possibilities connect different cable cross sections Operation voltage Um (kV) 72,5 72,5 72,5 145 145 145 145 145 170 170 170 170 245 245 245 245 Type SM 72 size 36 SM 72 size 46 SM 72 size 56 SM 145 size 3 SM 145 size 4 SM 145 size 4x SM 145 size 6 SM 145 size 6x SM 170 size 5 SM 170 size 5x SM 170 size 6 SM 170 size 6x SM 245 size 5 SM 245 size 5x SM 245 size 7 SM 245 size 7x Conductor max...2500*1 .1200*1 ....2500 ......108,0 50,0..........1600 .2500*1 . mm2 ....2500 ......2500*1 Diameter over prepared cable core min....2500*1 ..108,0 56,0.........1200*1 .....1600 .. • Very short and compact design • Easy push on installation • Minimum tools end installation space needed • Easy conductor connection screw or compression type possible • Available as cross bonding or straight through application • Big coverage of application range from 40 to 120 mm Ø • Advanced production technology • Optimized cover housing in size and material • Routine tested piece by piece • Insulating material LSR silicone rubber of the highest quality • Type test certificate in accordance with IEC 60840/62067 available Operation voltage Um (kV) 72,5 72,5 145 145 170 170 245 245 Type SME 72 size 36 SME 72 size 46 SME 145 size 4 SME 145 size 4x SME 170 size 6 SME 170 size 6x SME 245 size 6 SME 245 size 6x Conductor max...2500*1 .2500 .1000 ...2500*1 .84,0 50,0.......1600 ...84,0 81,5.2500*1 .1200*1 .120,0 56,0.2500*1 .1600 ...2500 . mm 150 150 150 180 205 205 240 240 235 235 240 240 235 235 280 280 Connection type Screw/Press S S S S/P S/P S/P S/P S/P S/P S/P S/P S/P S/P S/P S/P S/P *1 >1200 2500 mm2 special crimping tool required ~800 Page 1 Straight single piece joint SME 72-245 This premoulded straight joint one piece design with compact dimensions made silicone rubber.......65,0 63,0..-max.........2500*1 ...1200*1 ..108,0 Conductor max.84,0 56,0..120,0 Conductor max...84,0 41,6...2500*1 ..1600*1 .....75,0 72,0..1200*1