Harting Sbírka katalogů říjen 2013

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Vydal: HARTING s.r.o. Autor: HARTING

Strana 594 z 808

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Poznámky redaktora
Installation without housing To ake sure that the ide-ranging requirem ents of switchgear manufacturers can still met the future, HARTING has developed new docking solution that allows users realize flexible and cost-optim ized solutions for electrical connections. Control contacts, as well all kinds high-voltage contacts can serve as connections, and course com binations are also possible. The flexibility and diversity odern energy supply systems are easily matched the versatility HARTING connectors, particular the new Han-Modular® docking frame. have expanded our tried and tested modular system and added the new Han-Modular® docking fram Thanks this newly developed docking frame, modular docking connector can now configured even without housing. realized with the aid special float ashers and screws. With the Han-Modular® system, solutions for all individual customer requirem ents and applications can easily configured, also they extend far beyond the use standard contacts.term diversity, the types connector used match the variety the applications for which the switching systems are engineered. The play the floating tolerance mm. People Power Partnership 39 . also possible use two fixed frames, two frames with floating mountings, as the so-called aligning tolerance the fram is ± mm. One the sides the fram has floating mounting, while the other securely fixed