Poznámky redaktora
Standardized interfaces allow significant cost
savings made here. addition, project planning
and cooperation between different firms involved these
construction projects can made lot easier, the
exchange inform ation sim plified ith the aid of
detailed interface descriptions and planning.
Nuclear power plant Gosgen Däniken and AREVA GmbHNuclear power plant Gosgen Däniken and AREVA GmbH
People Power Partnership 33
. cooperation
w ith com panies the energy sector, our connection
technology constantly being refined for wide range
of very ifferen applications.
With them possible run extensive tests plant
com ponents before they are installed, check the
operation serviced plant components trace faults
in system.
Cost-savings due standardisation
The types power station used around the world vary
greatly term design. However, the basic principle
is nearly always the same: power generated through
the rotation generator, which driven turbine.Connections are used many different areas power
stations. Electronic and strial connectors are
preferred for example areas here aintenance,
changeovers odernization play portant role.
In addition connectors for standard engineering
environments, the HARTING Technology Group also offers
connectors that meet specialized requirem ent profiles.
Dedicated designs are available for nuclear power stations
which satisfy both the requirem ents term their
resistance incidents and breakdowns, and term of
their ability deal with induced vibrations.
Consequently, this part the technology very similar
or even identical all power stations, and the control
systems the plants can laid out exactly the same
way. This ell-form ed
partnership particularly important us, ensures
that are able develop user-friendly products the
high quality for which the HARTING Technology Group
has been renowned for long