Harting Sbírka katalogů říjen 2013

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Vydal: HARTING s.r.o. Autor: HARTING

Strana 440 z 808

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Poznámky redaktora
file ific lin g A range lin the sta lla tio file ific passive in fra tru stry, spe cia lly tion niversal ire screened bling fo ctio uto tion lutio and tro units harsh 67 e nviron and areas. B fits In lia ith /IE 918 and ith lin several user o tio like PNO, EtherCAT, EPSG, SERCOS. C ctivity etw orks 19 . Patch ble and tin ble are vailab lity in cte ssem blies sets ite assem bly. S ific tio n N lla tio /IE 918 and lin ific ­ m tio file like: PROFINET IEC /TR 158-1, CPF3 E therCAT IEC /TR 158-1, CPF12 E rlin IEC /TR 158-1, CPF13 SERCOS III IEC /TR 158-1, CPF16 S ita tra ata via tra cco g to IEEE it/s and 100 it/s tra ris tic s C teg ory issio Class 100 /IE :20 02 and Cat. range lin to th ific ire Easy and ssem bly. The high lity the ca lin system tio lia ility and tio stm t. 568 P e C tle and tio boxes Panel -th s P atch cables C cto sets ite ssem bly C ables fix and fle lla tio n C RJ45 (IP 20), Han® RJ45 und ybrid (IP 67), M12 (IP 67), Han® PushPull RJ45 (IP 67), Han® PushPull SCRJ (IP 67) I lla tio n M range fre tio ecia lla tio n re ire ts. al-tim ble, t ca lin ita Fast et