HARTING ponent Range
. The high lity lin system
g tio lia ility and tio stm t.
S ific tio n
N lla tio /IE 702 and 173-3 tru ctu d
C bling stria nviron ts) tra data,
vo vid and rvice tra it/s ,
100 it/s and 1000 it/s bit et) tra ris tic s
C teg ory issio Class 100 and teg ory issio n
Class ISO /IE cl.Cabling systems and components
S lin ric lin )
A range lin the sta lla tio lica tio -
in passive fra tru stry, spe cia lly uto tio niversal
8 ire screened lin the seam less adva nce the fra tru into
harsh viro and areas. lia ith /IE 702 signal tra all rvice s
in and tio iro tib ility ith and
fa ilitie range lin ific sto r
re ire Easy and ssem bly. :20 and
E /IP IEC /TR 61158-1 (CPF and teg ory 5e
a 568
P e
C tle and tio boxes
Panel -th s
P atch cables
C sets ite ssem bly
C ables fixe and fle lla tio n
C RJ45 (IP 20), HARTING PushPull RJ45 (IP 67),
HARTING PushP ull (IP 67),
Han® RJ45 (IP 67), Ha-VIS pre Lin k®
In lla tio n
M range fre tio ecia lla tio n
re ire Patch ble and tin ble vailab lity
in cte ssem blies sets ite assem bly.
B fits
R al-tim ble and lin ita and