Harting Sbírka katalogů říjen 2013

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Poznámky redaktora
Steck- verbindung Plug device contrast connector, plug device can plugged unplugged while connected load.) are secondary. There are solid and flexible pins Einpressstift 94, 95 96 Pressure tightness 68: Complete protection from contact and ingress dust. Einpress- verbindung 94 Press-in termination metal pin, portion which is pressed into metallized PCB bore without soldering. plug connection must not plugged or unplugged when connected a voltage load. Steck- vorrichtung 17 Plug gauge Device for checking bores. Vorkonfek- tionierung 133 Pre-leading Refers situation which the contacts connector are not closed simultaneously. Protection from pressurized water for indefinite time. The protective earth contact must connect first during plugging and disconnect last during unplugging. voreilen Press-in connection solder-free electrical connection, made pressing press-in pin into a metallized bore PCB. Potentialschiene Powder-plated Type surface finish. Leiter- plattenadapter 136 137 . Druckdichtheit 45 Printed board adaptor Part that connects PCB and a connector together. Lehrdorn Polarisation Profiles that prevent connector half from being turned around the wrong way (misaligned 180°) and inserted. All other parts (such the housing, contact carrier, etc.Glossary and Index 219 English term Explanation English German term Page Plastic panel mounting Plastic brackets used mount contact blocks switching cabinets. Leistungs- kontakt 106 107 Pre-assembly The cables are terminated before the connectors are mounted. pulver- beschichtet 32 Power contact Contact which transfers electrical energy. Polarisation 104 105 Potential rail For variable distribution voltage to multiple points, means of connections. Wandhalterung Kunststoff 70 Plug connection electrical plug connection consists two connectors, that is, at least two contacts