This aspect was particularly important given
the very limited installation area for the access point that
excluded the utilization other connector solutions.
The decisive factor the choice this connector was the
tightness the 8-pin RJ45 connector accordance with
IP for use outdoor applications, well its compact
The Swedish manufacturer Repeatit provider of
high-speed wireless access point solutions for network
suppliers (ISP) wishing acquire new customers re
gions with rudimentary inadequate telecommunications
infrastructures. soon customer installs wire
less modem premises, possible login wirelessly
into network via the respective local base station.
Repeatit supplies base stations and wireless modems as
well the required software.
In view the fact that secure high-speed communications
also have function under poor weather conditions such
as snow, ice and rain, Repeatit opted for the Industrial
PushPull connector. The base stations are con
nected existing copper optical backbones close vi
cinity customers.
Wireless LANinoutdoor applications
RJIndustrial Push Pull connector
People Power Partnership 53